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BannerCRC Digital marketing agency

A thoughtful approach with consistent efforts for sustainable results.

A Record Storage & Digitization company which is a part of the renowned CBSL Group. We started our relationship with the company by working on CRC’s Company Website which was just a basic website at that time. Till now, we have designed the Website twice & have evolved our relationship with the client beyond CRC & are actively engaged in complete Branding , Digital Strategy & Website for the whole CBSL Group.

  • + Website Design & Development
  • + Branding
  • + Social Media Management
  • + Performance Marketing
Portfolio Digital marketing

Strategy & Outcome


  • Develop an elegant Corporate Website for the business.
  • Highlight the company legacy, business services & the professional approach of the company.
  • Conduct consistent performance marketing campaigns for Lead Generation on Google PPC.
  • Keep the website updated with Articles, Latest Happening, New Client Case Studies etc.
  • Target corporates via Email Marketing .


  • A huge jump of over 50% in website traffic & website engagement.
  • Generating 30-40 valid enquiries via Google PPC Campaigns.
  • Authentic followership & community created on LinkedIn & Instagram.
  • Internal communication quality & frequency increased.
  • Competing companies started following similar marketing approach.
CRC digital marketing company
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Like many of our clients, CRC & CBSL Group have also been associated with us since a long time which has allowed us to experiment different strategies & understand the most ideal strategies that work best for the brand. Our approach with the group is simple, we want to create communication that positions the company like a MNC while we plan to continue reaching to newer audiences via consistent Performance Marketing on Google & LinkedIn