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Performance Marketing

A data-driven approach to marketing that focuses on measurable results and return on investment (ROI). Our Performance marketing strategy is all about driving specific actions and conversions, such as clicks, leads, or sales.

One of the key advantages of performance marketing is its ability to track and measure results accurately. With robust tracking tools and analytics, marketers can monitor campaign performance in real-time, allowing for quick optimizations and adjustments to maximize ROI.

  • + Paid Social Media Ads
  • + Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • + PPC Google Campaigns
  • + 3rd Party Ads
  • + Email Marketing
  • + Display Ads
Social Media - Digital Marketing agency
Digital Marketing agency
Social Media

Reaching wide target audience on Social Media requires a professional & consistent Paid Marketing approach, that’s where our expertise comes in to help you create a ROI Driven strategy across popular Social Media platforms using creative messaging, targeting & re-marketing approaches.

Pay Per Click (PPC)
Google Campaigns

Our Google Experts leave no stone unturned to give you the max value of your buck. With our experience of managing campaigns worth lakhs & lakhs of Rupees, we’ve acquired the necessary skills & expertise to manage complex PPC campaigns over the Search & Display network that ensure that your brand stays on top in Google Search.


Email marketing still remains as one of the most profitable way to connect with subscribers, prospects and customers. With our skilled Email Marketing tactics, we make sure to make your brand communications land right in the inbox of your target audience.

Search Engine
Optimization ( SEO )

Our SEO strategy is designed to make your website as accessible to Google’s crawlers as possible so that it can rank higher in organic search. We do a thorough Keyword analysis & work backwards from that to put together a great SEO strategy that’s measurable & effective.

Driving growth for businesses, one conversion at a time.

ppc2 Digital Marketing agency

With our data-driven approach, we make data-backed decisions, optimize campaigns, and allocate budgets to the most effective channels and strategies. Our team develops & tests multiple campaigns, audiences, landing pages and all other campaign parameters to put your brand on the path to paid marketing success with lead generation & sales growth.

Moreover, our strong internal campaign monitoring processes ensure that our teams are always looking at your campaigns to tackle anything that could impact performance.

FAQ Image-Digital Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions

Performance marketing is a data-driven approach to marketing that focuses on achieving specific, measurable results and optimizing return on investment (ROI). It involves leveraging various digital channels and tactics to drive desired actions and conversions, such as clicks, leads, or sales.

Performance marketing utilizes a range of digital channels, including search engine marketing (SEM), affiliate marketing, email marketing, social media advertising, display advertising, and content marketing. The choice of channels depends on the target audience, campaign objectives, and the nature of the product or service being promoted.

Success in performance marketing is measured through various key performance indicators (KPIs) depending on the campaign objectives. Common metrics include Lead Generation, click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), and customer lifetime value (CLTV). Robust tracking tools and analytics platforms help measure and analyze these metrics.

Performance marketing leverages various targeting options, such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and past purchase history, to define and reach specific audience segments. Precise audience targeting ensures that marketing messages are delivered to the right people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Yes, performance marketing can drive both online and offline conversions. For online conversions, performance marketers utilize digital channels like websites, mobile apps, and online forms. For offline conversions, tactics such as call tracking, coupon codes, and store visit tracking can be used to measure the impact of online campaigns on offline actions.

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